Make your own music!
Learn music production with Ableton Live
Create release-ready tracks
For beginners to professionals
Internet & Socials offer endless tips & Tricks for making your own music. But nobody really helps you? Despite tutorials you cannot really do something with it or are you stuck?
What are you waiting for?
We solve your musical problems:
Are you always dissatisfied with your musical results? You don’t even know exactly why? Do you find it difficult to assess what exactly is still missing from your productions? You jam with apps etc., but can you never get beyond small sketches? Or do you as a beginner do not know anything and what you even need?
We help you to realize your musical dreams!

Immediate start
With yourself and your laptop you can simply start turning your ideas into finished tracks. Our content can be accessed directly and at any time.

Perfect Mixdown
Your own tracks in a DJ mix or as a live act: It's awesome and important. Your music has to work well everywhere. Learn what really makes the difference..

Details & Qualität
Whether professional or just for the hobby, your tracks should sound rich in detail and of high quality. We show you how to expand and round off your sound.
What is important?
You will learn:

All the technical details of modern production
General DAW knowledge, Ableton Live, sound & Studio Technology, Essential Plugins, Hardware & MIDI controllers, sound synthesis, live jamming, vocals, harmony theory and much more.
For building up and professionalizing your skills. Or for setting up your own home studio.
Work out ideas & find your own sound
In the end, the artist is and will remain you. Learn to create your own sound design and incorporate your own ideas and talents into your music.
Use field recordings, your own vorcals, instruments and sound generators. Find your best sources of inspiration.

Mixdown, Arrangement, Automations
Manage to finalize track ideas. We’ll show you efficiently and practically how you can turn your sketches into release-ready tracks from production.
You also need a perfect mix so that others want to hear and have your music. It’s not always easy – but it is feasible. We’ll show you!
Online courses
equip yourself with all the necessary music making skills.
For creative electronic music making & produce, you need a solid basic knowledge. Our online courses will get you there and cover all fundamental topics of music production.
Learn to create your own tracks at your own pace. Entry-level friendly & practical. We offer intensive but also compact courses. No matter if you are an absolute beginner or an experienced musician, you can join anywhere. Our master classes refine your skills professionally.
bundle certain topics and techniques in a compact form.
Ultimate insights into certain real production situations, with all the decisive details for the solution. You can see over our shoulder how real music production is done. Practical with no hidden tricks. Analyze at lightning speed what is behind a production or technology.
Individual coaching
connects you directly with a producer.
Whether online or in our studio: with individual coaching, you can get completely individual training. We work hand in hand on your tracks and projects. You decide where we should support you.
You can book the individual coaching at any time – as support for the content or after you have worked through everything. We also coach label searches, releasing, artist PR, home studio construction and much more. We also offer co- and ghost production.
Live Sessions, Feedback, Samples & more
round off your projects and offer you that certain something.
No matter how far you go alone – with feedback & a healthy network always goes one step further! Your music should always be in contact with the outside world. Ask a lot of questions!
If you are registered, you can take part in our live sessions, which take place regularly. You also get exclusive access to our steadily growing community.
How does it work?
That's how it's done:

1.) Purchase your access to the MPI Online Campus
No contract. You can find more information about our payment plans below.

2.) Work interactively through the content
Learn from home at your own pace. Bring yourself to a solid level.

3.) Make music, perform & release
MPI promotes your talent! We offer opportunities & a professional network.
Start your journey to music now
Contact us and we'll get back to you immediately
Need a strong network?
MPI Partner:
- MPI Premium Partner
- MPI Premium Partner
- MPI Premium Partner
- MPI Partner
- MPI Partner
- MPI Partner
Last but not least...
Who is MPI?

In the MPI-Studio we produce our own music and realize commercial projects. So it is not a studio specially designed for school lessons, but an environment in which you can work professionally and still feel creatively at home.
Our studio sessions and possible additional services for you take place here. When you come, our infrastructure enables you to optimally connect. Your equipment in our environment.
The studio offers high technical standards and a fine selection of synthesizers and controllers. You can use this or bring your own familiar hardware. If you want to set up your own studio, you can learn and test a lot here.
we are Tim and Charles. We founded MPI to offer professional musical training in the field of electronic music. Especially autodidacts or artists of tomorrow can learn important things here that can save an enormous amount of time and help achieve a breakthrough! That is our claim.
Together we form a team with many years of experience in the music and event business. In addition, there is profound technical and musical background knowledge. We cover an enormous spectrum of know-how, so that we can offer a variety of solutions for pretty much every wish. So don’t hesitate and get in touch!

In the music industry for over a decade. To this day he is traveling around the world with his project thyladomid. Due to his experience, his way of working is very creative and practical. Turn a good synth into all the elements of a working track. He knows exactly what is important in a production, both before the release and afterwards.

Music, physics and events. That's his thing. On the road as a DJ and live act, for many years also as a tutor for Ableton Live and music production. He can explain hardware and technology in depth. Very familiar with physical terms, frequencies and the why behind them. Also likes to be behind the scenes, then as a technician for major global events.